Apple Inc. (Opponent), a global technology frontrunner with over 525 retail store locations including Singapore, lost in...
In a significant victory for the globally renowned Danish toy company Lego, the Madras High Court has ruled in favour of...
The Delhi Commercial Court issued a significant ruling in favour of Monster Energy Company in its ongoing trademark infr...
Last week, the Delhi High Court ruled that the mere use of trademarks on Google Ads, an online advertising platform, did...
New Balance Athletics, the well-known sports footwear and apparel manufacturer, won a case in the Delhi High Court again...
According to Aditi Verma Thakur, senior partner at Ediplis Counsels in Bengaluru, the Delhi High Court’s quashing of th...
In the latest defeat for a well-known trademark holder looking to overturn a registration in Japan, the Opposition Board...
The Delhi High Court has disallowed a Bengaluru-based business from using the brand names- 'facebake' and 'facecake' in ...
SINGAPORE - Local tech firm V V Technology has been stopped from using a bird logo as its trademark, following a dispute...
Foodpanda, one of the largest food delivery startups in Asia outside of China, is in a legal spat with HungryPanda SG ov...
The Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents’ acronym Matta is a well-known catchphrase for Malaysians who keep ...
Adidas has garnered itself a reputation for being particularly litigious when it comes to its famed three-stripe tradema...
Ryohin Keikaku, which is the parent company that carries the MUJI brand, is suing Singapore company IUIGA due to tradema...
Besweet Creations, a Florida-based vitamin company, is suing a Texan rival for trademark infringement over its line of “...
Singapore’s Supreme Court has dismissed an appeal from Burberry and Louis Vuitton against a High Court ruling that foun...
French jewellery company Cartier has lost its bid to have a trademark application incorporating the word ‘Love’ dismis...
Monster Energy Company (“the Opponent”) is the owner of various trade marks registered in Singapore, where it has sold...
The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) has dismissed a trademark opposition made by Adidas against a Taiwa...
KUALA LUMPUR – Fast food chain McDonald's lost a lawsuit in Malaysia on Wednesday after an appeals court overruled a de...
A Customs official examines Wuliangye spirits exports in Lianyungang port of East China's Jiangsu province. Chinese prem...
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