Agfa files UPC case against Gucci over leather product printing

Post time:08-25 2023 Source:JUVE Patent Author:Christina Schulze
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Imaging product distributor Agfa has filed an infringement suit against luxury brand Gucci before the UPC local division Hamburg. Should the court find in Agfa's favour, the plaintiff would particularly benefit from a ruling that applies to numerous European countries, given the case concerns consumer goods.

Printing company Agfa has sued luxury goods brand Gucci at the Hamburg UPC local division (case ID:ACT_561734/2023). The case concerns Agfa’s patentEP 3 388 490,which covers a manufacturing method for embellishing natural leather with a decorative image. This is a key future field for Agfa. The latter accuses Gucci of using this method to decorate their leather products. Agfa is suing numerous Gucci companies, including German and Belgian subsidiaries, over the patent.

The company chose to file suit at the Hamburg division. Current presiding judge of the UPC local division Hamburg is Sabine Klepsch, who is also dual-qualified as a chemist. This could be helpful given the subject of the patent.

