“Maserati”gained additional protection as well-known trademark

Post time:04-18 2022 Source:Tianjin Intellectual Property Court
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Recently, Tianjin Intellectual Property Court solved a case involving trademark infringement and unfair competition by mediation, in which the famous automobile company Maserati China Cars Trading Co., Ltd. sued an optical business operation of Tianjin.


 According to the filings of the case, the defendant of the case has used Maserati’s brand name “MASERATI S.P.A, the Chinese subsidiary’s name and registered trademarks “玛莎拉蒂”“MASERATI” “988af09b9dac712a2abf43066446b9ab.png”  on its eyeglasses manufactured or for sale, as well as on its promoting stuffs such as product manuals or leaflets. The defendant of the case has registered trademarks similar to the disputed trademarks in the category of “eyeglasses and other related trademarks”.As the case was settled, the plaintiff’s well-known trademarks have successfully gained additional protection beyond class.

