1st Internet TV Copyright Infringement Lawsuit in China
Post time:10-14 2010Author:
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China's bourgeoning Internet-based TV market saw the first lawsuit over copyright infringement, with three companies accused.
TCL Corporation (SZSE: 000100), Xunlei.com (Thunder), and PPStream, Inc. have violating the copyright of Union Voole Technology Co., Ltd. by making some of the popular films and TV programs, in which the accuser has the exclusive Internet publishing right, available for the TCL MiTV Internet TV users, said Voole in a lawsuit filed earlier.
The accuseds were required to pay CNY 87,500 in compensation to the publishing right owner. TCL, one of the leading TV makers in China, added Internet search service in its MiTV Internet TV, a model based on Internet, enabling users to get an access to the film and TV programs via the professional network TV software initiated by PPStream.
Xunlei.com, a renowned download service provider, made it possible for MiTV Internet TV users to download products in which Voole has the publishing right online, according to Voole.