China trademark applications up by 37% in 2015

Post time:11-17 2015 Source:WIPR Author:
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More than two million trademark applications have been filed at the China Trademark Office in the first nine months of 2015, the government has reported. 

The number of applications is up 37% on the same period in 2014. 

In 2013, 1.88 million applications were filed in China, according to the “World Intellectual Property Organization Indicators” report published in December 2014. 

Also, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) announced it is in the process of establishing a database of trademark filers to increase transparency and tackle bad-faith filings. 

The SAIC’s announcement follows the General Office of the State Council’s latest attempt to cut down on the sale of online counterfeit goods in the region. 

Among the key changes are enhanced regional cooperation to target illicit cross-border sales of infringing goods, stronger regulation and legislation, and increased collaboration between government departments.

