The provisional programme for an international conference on intellectual property and development at World Intellectual Property Organization taking place in April is now available.
The conference is set to take place on 7-8 April and its provisional programme [pdf] includes six themes. The event on the WIPO calendar is here.
The conference was agreed upon by the WIPO Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP) in 2012 (IPW, WIPO, 17 November 2012). A process to establish a list of speakers was agreed in 2014 (IPW, WIPO, 15 November 2014), after some developing countries disagreed on the list initially proposed by the secretariat.
The six themes of the provisional programmes are: Social Development and the Role of Intellectual Property; Economic Development and the Role of IP; Cultural Development and the Role of IP; Designing a Dynamic IP System: Sharing Practices; Global Cooperation for IP and Development: The Role of WIPO and Other Key Actors; and IP for Development: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives.
The conference provisional programme also includes a number of case studies, such as Designing a Program on Geographical Indications for Jamaican Jerk Seasoning, Leveraging Intellectual Property for Commercialization of Research Outcomes: the Experience of a Pakistani University, and a case study on Oman Traditional Fragrances.