NBSC: over 70% products from hi-tech zone own independent IPR
Post time:09-30 2007Source:SIPO.gov.cnAuthor:
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According to the report from National Bureau of Statistics of China (NBSC) released on 26th September, a large amount of scientific and technological achievements have been commercialized in China's Hi-Tech Industrial Zones, and 70 percent of products from the zones have independent IP rights, a result of rapid economic growth of the Hi-tech industries in cities.
The report, entitled as the Overall Development and Coordination of Cities Social Economy, the seventh series document on reviewing the economic and social Development from the Sixteenth CPC National Congress to the Seventeenth, pointed out that, since the CPC Sixteenth National Congress held in 2002, urbanization has been accelerated in China with the remarkable improvement of the services in constructions and management, and meanwhile, Hi-tech industry has also experienced an extremely rapid growth. All of these progresses represent a new step for establishing a harmonious society.
Nowadays, all big and medium sized cities have already accomplished their major tasks for setting up the State Hi-tech development zones and have already initially built up their operation and management mechanism and marketing promoting mechanism, which laid a sound foundation for its future development and demonstrated the obvious advantages of the innovated new resources. In the meanwhile, the enterprises with the creative abilities and competitiveness are getting stronger and stronger.
The series report, including 8 topics such as the overall situation of our social economic development, opening up to the outside world, employment, infrastructure constructions of the fundamental industries, the domestic markets, and the economic development in agriculture and industry as well as the economic growth in urban and rural areas, have be released to the public recently by the NBSC for summarizing the achievements that China has made in all respects since the CPC Sixteenth National Congress.