Franchise business

Post time:11-08 2017
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1  Providing legal consultant and policy information needed in franchise chain business; providing for businessmen with consultation service relating to points for attention in joining in franchise business chain enterprise;
2  Providing parties to franchise chain enterprise with investigation services on subject capacity and credit standing when they choose chain master; 
3  Assisting franchise chain enterprises in establishing frame of franchise chain operation system; 
4  Drafting and modifying legal documents on franchise chain management, franchise business contract, distribution contract, trademark licensing contract, confidential agreement and other contracts;
5  Handling various disputes arising from the implementation of contract during franchise operation and other disputes arising from trademark tort or unfair competition caused by a third party; 
6  Handling various problems left over after the franchise operation is terminated in advance, including but not limited to collecting debts, supervising change or cancellation of chain enterprise name with letters of franchise trademark, removing trademark marking and other situations;
7  Other legal supports, including but not limited to issuing authorization statement as legal consultant, providing effective suggestion and advice in respect to trademark and trade name protection, operation and management pattern, trade secret protection and so on.

